Dec. 3 in Chicago: 1st Annual National Caregiving Conference
The Whole Care Network and The Bow Tie Guy is excited to be part of the 1st Annual National Caregiving Conference Dec. 3 in Chicago:
Organize a caravan for your support group members. Create a car pool with your co-workers. Plan a get-away for you and your caregiving friends.
And, then come to Chicago in early December to connect, share, support and learn at our 1st Annual National Caregiving Conference.
Our conference will take place on Saturday, December 3, at the Chicago Marriott O’Hare, conveniently located minutes from O’Hare and a subway ride from downtown Chicago. Feel free to spend the weekend at the hotel; we’ve got a special conference room rate of $119. Our conference begins at 9 a.m. on Saturday morning and wraps up at 5 p.m. You can spend Sunday shopping or sight-seeing.
The goal of our conference is to connect you with support and solutions; empower you with insights and information; and entertain you with engaging and enlightening presentations. We also want to spark important conversations about what we need as family caregivers and former family caregivers in our communities, our workplaces and our health care system.
You’ll want to attend our conference if:
- You care for a family member or friend;
- You cared for a family member or friend;
- You work with (or want to work with) family members, either in your own business or in an organization or agency;
- You offer products and services for family caregivers.
Our conference will include an exhibit floor and educational sessions featuring three separate tracts:
- Family Caregivers: Connect with others who care for a family member; attend sessions which speak to your experiences and gather resources which help you manage the experience.
- Former Family Caregivers: Connect with others adjusting to their life after caregiving ends and attend sessions which help you enter the next phase of your life.
- Professionals Working With Family Caregivers: Connect with others who work with family caregivers, either through their own business or in an agency or organization. Gain insights into the caregiving experience which will help you work well with family caregivers. In addition, learn marketing techniques to help you reach family caregivers.
The tentative cost for family caregivers and former family caregivers to attend is $10. The cost for those who work with family caregivers is $50; we’ll also offer CEUs. Your cost includes breakfast and lunch as well as access to our sessions and exhibitor floor on Saturday. You’ll pay for your travel expenses, including your hotel.
I’m working to create respite options so your caree receives care while you take a break. I’ll keep you posted.
Look for a call for presentations on July 5. Presentation proposals will be due August 2 and we’ll notify you if we’ve chosen your presentation on August 23.
We’d love to get a feel for how many will attend our conference. Please let us know via the form, below, your interest. We’ll also send you regular updates, including information about sponsors, presentations, special activities and exhibitors.
Follow this link to the form to submit your information.