GrandParents Day: In The Beginning
Grandparents are don’t just drop from the sky, there is always a starting point…Our family started in 1938…
Dad was from Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island: Mom grew up in the 9th Ward in New Orléans, Louisiana which was devastated by hurricane Katrina. My memory of New Orléans is from my Grandmothers home on Gentilly Blvd close to the historic Fairgrounds Park.
My parent’s met in St. Louis in 1938 and soon started a family and settled in the suburbs of St. Louis, Missouri!
From Stuart and Annabel, six children were born!

Jimmy, JoAnn, Merrille, Chris, Gerri, Mary. Due to Age restrictions from ‘some’ of my sisters, the pecking order is out of sink in this picture!
Stuart and Annabel have long made their transition to eternal life, Annabel in 1984 and Stuart in 1987. What they started from six, grew into 24 grandchildren and now over 40 great-grandchildren. Because of their poor health, they did not have the opportunity to enjoy their grandchildren as much as they would have liked, not to mention their great-grandchildren which came long after their life.
If Stuart and Annabel Only Knew” By Mary MacLellan-Stough
At times I don’t even know myself or even who you are. Happy, sad, mad, glad. Yet good friends to the end. We grew up together, under the same roof. Fighting and screaming. I escaped by daydreaming. 5 individuals then there were 6. I was scared, were you? I didn’t know which way to go. I wanted to be noticed, I wanted to be seen, all I could do was dream…dream of living with Mother
Dear. I just wanted someone to tuck me in. If I wasn’t so hard on myself I’d probably be thin.
My defects of character number a few, and when I start thinking of them I feel blue. Have your dreams come true? Have you done all you wanted to do? By the way my favorite color is blue. We were all set free, to drift alone to find our way. Some never came back home to stay, we’ve done the best we can, even with the cards dealt in our hand. We’ve all had our ups and downs, but always land with both feet on the ground.
Everyone should be proud and say it out loud! Our kids have grown up in spite of our faults, hopefully we didn’t fall short. They’ll know we tried our best and they will too. I will give myself credit and so should you. Your kids are great and mine are too! We’re all getting older, we’re in the prime of our lives.
Everyday is a new adventure and I’m very grateful I’m not wearing dentures. Don’t forget to take time to smell the roses. I’m still younger and that’s how it goes, or until Chris opposes.
A call or a visit is good medicine too! And another reminder, I younger than you! Mary MacLellan Stough
It was a great weekend to remember, we’ll have to do it again in September!
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