Healing Ties 2.0 Podcast

Featured Podcast on the Whole Care Network!
Beyond Caregiving...How do care?
How do we care for our family, friends, and the strangers we meet?
How do we care for the community we live in?
How do we heal the physical, social, financial, and spiritual aspects of our life and the lives of those around us?
We do this by creating Healing Ties!
By sharing their stories with host Christopher MacLellan, our guests reveal how they are creating Healing Ties in their community by their words, actions, and deeds.
About the Healing Ties 2.0 Podcast
I first started podcasting way back in 2013 with a podcast entitled "Be A Healthy Caregiver" while I was in the midst of caring for my beloved partner, Richard Schiffer. After his passing in 2014, I shifted gears and started podcasting about life after caregiving via Healing Ties from the Bow Tie Guy.
After almost 300 episodes of "Be A Healthy Caregiver" and my "Healing Ties" podcast, 2022 has shifted my focus. I've been privileged to be involved in the caregiving community since 2011, and I will always be connected to caregivers in one way or another.
However, there is life after caregiving, and each caregiver explores their new life in their own time and at their own pace. My time has come in 2to explore new destinations through travel, leisure, and adventure with my new AgingGayfully™ brand, which will debut in 2023.
Just as caregiving is a universal issue, so is Aging. I intended to create the Aging Gayfully brand under the auspice of travel: "Travel - Adventure - Lifestyle"... via blogs, videos, and podcasts, demonstrating how I am AgingGayfully and finding those on my travel adventures who are aging gayfully too. You'll find AgingGayfully™ here on the Whole Care Network soon as well as a few other locations too.
You can see the last episode of Healing Ties right here!
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