Straight Forward Real Estate
Your Host: Ted Gottlieb

Ted Gottlieb

Licensed since 2003, Ted is the ONLY Real Estate Agent who is also a Certified Senior Advisor (CSA)® in the State of Missouri. As a Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), Ted is recognized nationally as a top-performing real estate agent.
Ted’s most proud of being guided by a moral compass and doing what’s right, regardless of personal gain. Rarely outworked or outdone, Ted’s passion to educate and advocate is for all to see. He wears it on his sleeve. As a Certified Aging In Place Specialist (CAPS), Ted surprises many when he offers to help homeowners safely “Stay Put” and not suggest they move.
Buying and selling real estate isn’t rocket science. Unless you’re a licensed real estate agent, real estate attorney, or a seasoned investor, there’s something to be gained by listening to Ted’s shows. Sit back, grab a beverage, and enjoy. You’re about to get the inside scoop about everything you wanted to know (or needed to hear) regarding residential real estate.