Whole Care Network Masterminds

Join like-minded leaders in care and tackle tough care issues.

What's a Mastermind?

A curated group of people that meet regularly to collaborate, cooperate, brainstorm, form a plan, and create a solution for a problem.


Objectives of Whole Care Network Masterminds:

  • diminish the number of care economy leaders working in isolation.
  • promote creative, collaborative business practices that aim to solve tough care challenges.
  • empower care economy leaders to function at the peak of their capacity.
  • disseminate solutions from each mastermind to the entire care economy.
WCN Mastermind Logo

Open Masterminds

Marketing in the care economy (2)

Employee Benefits and The Care Economy
Facilitator: Paula Muller, Ph.D.

We all feel supporting working family caregivers is an important issue. Many care economy leaders are working hard to break into the employee benefits space as an effective B2B option. The market is tough.

Join this Mastermind to explore the employee benefits market and consider how your work fits into the space more deeply. Work with like-minded leaders to develop more effective pitches, value propositions, and creative benefit strategies to attract HR leaders.

Season 2 Starting Soon - Select the "Get In Touch" Button below for more Info

Make a Difference, Share Your Knowledge, and foster change in the workplace.  Join Season 2 of the Employee Benefits and the Care Economy Mastermind.

Click on the photo above to learn more about the great work of the Employee Benefits and the Care Economy Mastermind!

2024 Masterminds Are Forming

  • Interested in leading a mastermind?
  • Interested in joining a mastermind?
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Closed Masterminds

Marketing in the care economy (5)

Advocacy in the Care Economy
Facilitator: Kimberly Whiter, Ed.D.

Are you interested in influencing decisions within political, economic, and social institutions? This Mastermind will teach you activities to start advocating for policy change. All advocacy work requires facts and media to craft an impactful message, as well as channels to the right people.

Join this Mastermind to get involved in advocacy work for better care policies and work with like-minded care economy leaders to develop plans and solutions for more effective advocacy efforts for care.

Marketing in the care economy (1)

Effective Marketing in the Care Economy

Facilitator: Sue Ryan

A major conversation within the care economy is effective marketing. We are all doing incredible work. Yet, the hardest task we have is getting our work into the hands of the people we have created it for.

Join this Mastermind to dive deep into strategies for more effective B2C and B2B marketing, better marketing language, and affiliate/partnership models that make marketing more collaborative.


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