Love Conquers ALZ Podcast

Featured Podcast on the Whole Care Network!

2020 WINNER BEST PODCAST - New Media Film Festival.
Caregivers have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Having both been caregivers for a family member affected with Alzheimer’s, Susie Singer Carter and Don Priess know this is a disease that cannot be faced alone. In fact, their Oscar Qualified film based on Susie's Mother, MY MOM AND THE GIRL starring Valerie Harper in her final performance - has and continues to touch people all over the world. Their goal was to let others know they are not on their own and to help them find the JOY in the journey. And that's just what they do in their Podcast Love Conquers Alz. " Memories are so yesterday!"

Meet The Host of Love Conquers ALZ
Susie Singer Carter
Susie Singer Carter is a multi-award-winning filmmaker, writer, director, producer, actor, podcast producer, host, and Caregiver Advocate after caring for her mother, who lived with Alzheimer's for 16 years. Susie is best known for writing, directing, and producing the 2018 Oscar Qualified short film, "My Mom and The Girl" starring Valerie Harper in her final performance, writing and producing "Bratz the Movie" for Lionsgate, and co-producing "Soul Surfer" for Sony. Most currently, Ms. Singer Carter wrote the screenplay, "RUN", based on the book "Plain Jane" and is attached to direct along with Anthony Katagas (Oscar winner for 12 Years a Slave), who will be Executive Producing. Attachments: Leighton Meester & Rose McIver. Ms. Singer Carter also produces and hosts the podcast Love Conquers Alz – awarded BEST PODCAST 2020 by New Media Film Festival and is listed #4 on Feedspots' 2022 25 Best Alzheimer's Podcasts. She also is the co-creator, co-writer, and director of the outrageous horror/comedy narrative podcast "I Love Lucifer," nominated for BEST Audio Fiction 2023 Indie Series Awards. She is currently producing a documentary, "No Country For Old People", which centers on the Nursing Home Neglect and the systemic healthcare crisis responsible for it. Susie is a sought-after speaker and has appeared in many Alzheimer's awareness campaigns for Alzheimer's Los Angeles. She proudly emceed the 2022 San Fernando Valley Alzheimer's Walk holding up a purple flower for her mother who passed away in July.

Don Priess
For years, Don Priess has shunned sleep in order to become
a highly sought-after, award-winning editor, writer, producer, and voice-over
artist. After co-founding Modern Media Group, one of the top marketing and
infomercial production companies in the world, he spread his wings, editing
hundreds of TV and radio commercials, web and social media videos, including
for the #1 hairstyling tool in the world, InStyler and for the newest, hottest
accessory in the cannabis community, OTTO - all told, generating over 1.5
billion dollars in retail sales. Additionally, his credits include projects for CBS,
Fox Television Studios, Nickelodeon, TNT, AMC, Lifetime, Hanna-Barbera,
Paramount Pictures, Playboy Entertainment and more. Recent highlights
include, co-creating and writing the animated pilot “Surviving Hawking”
starring Bryan Cranston and Adam Brody for Fox TV Studios, editing and
producing the Oscar-qualified short film, “My Mom and The Girl” featuring
Valerie Harper in her last performance and co-creating, writing and editing theoutrageous horror/comedy narrative podcast “I Love Lucifer”. He is also the co-
host of the New Media Awards Best Podcast 2020, “Love Conquers Alz” with producing partner (Go Girl Media) and renowned caregiver-activist, writer,
director Susie Singer Carter.
Susie Singer Carter is a WCN-Fluencer
About Love Conquers ALZ
2020 WINNER BEST PODCAST - New Media Film Festival. Caregivers have one of the hardest jobs in the world. Having both been caregivers for a family member affected with Alzheimer’s, Susie Singer Carter and Don Priess both know this is a disease that cannot be faced alone. In fact, their Oscar Qualified film based on Susie's Mother, MY MOM AND THE GIRL starring Valerie Harper in her final performance - has and continues to touch people all over the world. Their goal was to let others know they are not on their own and to help them find the JOY in the journey. And that's just what they do in their Podcast "Love Conquers Alz".
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My Mom and The Girl is a short film that comes with an important mission: to change the conversation about Alzheimer's. Starring Valerie Harper in her first role since her cancer diagnosis 7 years ago, it's based on a true story that resonates across generations and cultures, authentically portraying a difficult subject in such a way that makes audiences laugh and fills them with hope at the same time.