How AlzAuthors is Untangling Alzheimer’s and Dementia

Marianne Sciucco, cofounder of AlzAuthors, has cared for individuals with dementia as a nurse, since the 1990s. She wrote a novel, Blue Hydrangeas: An Alzheimer’s Love Story, which led her to do advocacy work. This eventually led to Alz Authors. 

AlzAuthors is a global community of authors writing about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. They work to raise awareness about dementia and to provide quality resources for families navigating these diseases. They’ve also started a podcast where they share stories orally, and authors share their insights with listeners. 

Stories are so important to them. They want family caregivers and aged persons to hear the stories they share and feel a sense of community. They hope everyone realizes that there are many others going through similar experiences and you are never alone! Circumstances may differ, but in the end, we’re all a lot alike. 

Marianne has personally learned, in the past 7 years of AlzAuthors, how valuable and scarce time is for family caregivers. She’s always been the type of person to go to a book when she has a question. She realized that family caregivers often don’t have the time to dedicate to sitting down and reading, but listening to a story in the background while accomplishing other tasks might be a better way to consume information and learn new things. 

Caregivers are often putting out little fires all day long. This is why they created their podcast, and she hopes that it provides another way for resources to be shared. She also hopes that the stories attached to the resources shared make the help personal to those listening. 

She recognizes that there can be a stigma attached to cognitive decline. But, when you hear others sharing about similar situations, it provides comfort. It gives you allies in a community of individuals who get what you’re going through. Sometimes, community is the strongest form of support! 

Marianne’s one wish for a family caregiver caring for someone with dementia would be that everyone received adequate information and resources for what they should do next after they receive information about a new diagnosis. “Confusion begets confusion!” Marianne says. You are dumped into a situation where you don’t know how much is there for you. Being confused can really paralyze people. But if someone said, “Call this person.” or “Read this book.” or “Here’s a great resource,” it could be so much more helpful to families! 

Check out their podcast on The Whole Care Network!

Check out ALZAuthor’s Website, blog, and list of books!

Alz Authors is a WCNfluencer! Check out the interview between Marianne and Chris MacLellan!

Check out the WCNFleuncer interview with Christy Byrne Yates and Chris MacLellan.

The Whole Care Network Village is collaborating with AlzAuthors in our October Surge Event! Check out our village at WCN University!

Support AlzAuthors by joining The Village at WCN University

Three options to join The Village at WCN University:

  • $2.00 per month
  • $20.00 per year (reoccurring)
  • $24.00 for One Year

ALZAuthors receives 50% for every new member who joins The Village at WCN University. 

Check out our village at WCN Univesity!