Dementia Sucks

Tracey S. Lawrence is a serial caregiver who survived helping both of her parents through their illness with love, compassion and humor. “Dementia Sucks: A Caregiver’s Journey – With Lessons Learned” (Available on Amazon) is her book based on the journal she kept while caregiving for her mother. Part memoir, part manual, Tracey unmasks the ugly face of dementia and helps people to understand, navigate, and cope with caring for a loved one with dementia.

Dementia Sucks by Tracey S. Lawrence

Dementia Sucks by Tracey Lawrence

Available on Amazon

On this episode of Healing Ties, we visit with Author Tracey S. Lawrence about her book Dementia Sucks.

Having been through caregiving for both of her parents who each had different types of dementia, Tracey turned her experiences into a platform for helping others so they would not have to walk this caregiver road alone.  Tracey shares her insights with readers through her ground-breaking book, “Dementia Sucks”, and through her family coaching practice, Grand Family Planning.

But there is much more to the story!

Early on in the conversation, you’ll hear about a lovely daughter who calls her parents in Florida on a regular basis, thinking everything is Okay. That is, until she realized after a trip to Florida, things were not what they seemed.  You’ll hear about a beautiful sunset, and a daughters willingness to travel this caregiving road again with her Mom. You will be alerted to the importance of self-care and work-life balance and how Tracey is giving back to caregivers through Grand Family Planning.

Enjoy the following show notes, then listen to the entire podcast with our podcast player below.

Show Notes:

A Trip To Florida

Tracey: We went down to Florida, got a look at what was going on, and realized that he was sick and needed help from his kids. So that’s when my transformation began. I had to learn a lot of things that I never expected to learn; geriatric illnesses and now what is dementia. How many different kinds are there and why why is this stuff happening?

A Beautiful Sunset

Tracey: So this might sound strange to some people, but I think that giving a loved one a good death is one of the nicest things, one of the most loving things, that you can do.

Planning Ahead

Tracey: I was very fortunate that my parents did a lot of good things, they did a lot of planning before their illness. So my father’s situation and my experience caring for him, set me up for being able to cope with my mom’s illness and significant increments later.

A Second Time Around

Tracey: She was actually on her own and able to lead an independent life for a couple years after my father passed. My husband and I would go down to Florida instead of going on vacations. Then one day she reported to me over the phone that she was having a heart attack. 


Tracey: I’m a problem solver by nature. When I see situations that I think need to be addressed, I am always looking for solutions.

I was privileged to be not just his daughter, but his friend, and we had great, great conversations on the phone on a regular basis. Then we visited Florida and realized he was not well. (Tracey S. Lawrence) 

Tracey Lawrence Dementia Sucks

Tracey Lawrence, author of Dementia Sucks

Listen here for the rest of Tracey’s story and learn how she is creating Healing Ties all around us.

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