Embrace Your Boulder
I think it is safe to say that each one of us has heard the phrase: “When life gives you lemons, make lemonade!” But what if life gave you a crushing boulder, could you turn that bolder into a waterfall?
On February 19, 2016 a group of tourists were frolicking in the waters of Colombia, South America following a rigorous whitewater adventure. The merriment was interrupted without warning when a boulder came crashing down the side of the mountain towards the group. Chaos ensured.
All but one made it to safety – her name is Schuyler.
Embrace Your Boulder
On this episode of Healing Ties, we visit with Schuyler’s mother, best selling author of The Sky is the Limit and international motivational speaker, Meridith Alexander. Meridith and Schuyler’s story has impacted thousands upon thousands!
But there is much more to the story!
Early on in the conversation you’ll hear how Meridith learned about Schuyler’s accident, you’ll learn about Meridith’s “deliberate mindset for extraordinary results” and how a boulder became a profound lesson in how to live.
Enjoy the following show notes, then listen to the entire podcast with our podcast player below.
Show Notes:
The Phone rings.
Meridith: Schuyler had been crushed by a boulder. It was a direct hit. She was not expected to live. She was in a hospital in Columbia South America. Surgeons were fighting desperately to try to keep her alive long enough for me to get down there to say my final good-byes.
In the midst of Chaos, Meredith finds inner strength.
Meridith: At 30,000 feet, I came back to the only place where I knew to come and that was within myself and say, ‘I must find something to give my daughter. I can’t let her go down this road by herself. What do I have?’ And in moments as powerful as that, at least for me, one of the hardest things for me to actually see was my own greatness and any power that I had. But I knew that I had absolutely no impact on this outer game. So the only place that I had a prayer of impacting was my mindset.
Meridith is an avid student and proponent of the power of a deliberately positive mindset.
Meridith: I wouldn’t have felt the exact emotion that gave me this strength that gave me this edge that gave me this resilience and determination that would allow me to be the perfect mother right now that my daughter needs. So how perfectly logical that I should trust the process even when I can’t see it and don’t understand it. So how logical then to believe that everything truly is going to be fine.
Beacon of strength.
Meridith: They (the surgeons) were looking at us with such pity basically because I was there, as calm and positive, as I am with you. And I stopped them and I said, ‘I appreciate what you’re saying. But my daughter is going to be fine and you’re the best surgeons in the world. This is one of the best facilities in the world. All we have to do is figure out how to get her there.’ You could see the angst – the tension kind of falling off, and miracles began to happen.
Meridith’s “Ah Ha!” moment came when she went to a conference.
Meridith: As I sat in the audience, I kid you not, Chris, the trainer said, ‘If you’re content with making a small change in the world then just toss a few stones across the water. But if you want to make a tsunami of change. Embrace your Boulder.’ My hair stood up!
Miracles do happen. Listen here for the rest of Meridith and Schuyler’s amazing story and how they are crushing boulders into waterfalls while creating Healing Ties all around us.
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See Meridith Live at the Broward Center for Preforming Arts October 20, 2018 @ 3:00pm & 7:30pm. Click image for more information.
To purchase ‘The Sky is the Limit, click the link below
Read more about how a crushing blow from a random boulder taught this Mother/ Daughter team not how to face death, but how to choose to fully live!
It’s a journey of inspiration and discovery like no other!
Follow Meridith Alexander on her website, The Sky is the Limit.