Helping Veterans Come Home Well

Coming Home Well was originally a radio show on the local affiliates in Charlottesville, Virginia. Then COVID-19 happened. They had to figure out a new way to do business because interviewing people in a tiny little booth in the local radio station wasn’t going to work. They moved to Zoom, and their show really blew up! A lot more people were able to access the information they shared.

Amazing Growing

Then they had to think a little more large, a little more across the country. This allowed them to expand the number of shows and podcasters. They became a network! It went from one radio show to about 10 different shows.

Their Mission

They want to help veterans come home well. That covers a broad gamut of topics, everything from justice issues, how to find a job, and accessing benefits. They even cover military history! There’s comfort in knowing veterans are talking to veterans. There are so many different challenges in coming home well among veterans who have served in different branches and for different lengths of time.

Veteran’s Care

One of the neat things they found when they collected numbers and statistics about who they were reaching was that their audience contained 40% – 45% caregivers to veterans. These were family members and friends providing care to a veteran. These caregivers recognized that the care veterans need is a “different alien world” sometimes. They wanted to learn about this world and the resources and tools, and even the vernacular, to help them care for their veteran better.

At The Whole Care Network, we believe when it comes to caregiving, there are no strangers. For the month of November, our Surge Event is supporting Coming Home Well. We’re encouraging family caregivers to sign up for The Village at Whole Care Network University. You get access to free courses right away. You can then browse loads of online courses on a variety of topics. We have care experts so caregivers can ask questions directly. And, you become part of a community of like-minded people going through similar care experiences. For every subscription we receive through the Coming Home Well link, we share 50% of the proceeds with Coming Home Well! It’s only $2 a month or $20 a year to sign up. It’s a it’s a pretty good deal! You get all this, and you’re helping a good cause.

Sign up for The Whole Care Network’s Village NOW!

Check out the interview with Coming Home Well’s Tyler Pieron

Check out Coming Home Well on The Whole Care Network!

Check out Coming Home Well’s website.

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