The Caregiver's Bakery

The Caregiver's Bakery is a sweet spot for caregivers, like you, to share their recipes for emotional, spiritual and physical well-being through our blogs, posts and video podcasts. We host a weekly, half-hour show every Thursday at 1:00PM where you meet and chat with caregivers - both those who have learned under fire and those who are professionals in the field. Their stories are both inspiring and informational.
We also offer The Sweet Spot - a monthly, hour-long Special Zoom Event where you, as a community, come together to meet with one of our past Caregiver's Bakery guests. This is not a recorded event to allow you the comfort of knowing you have the privacy you deserve to question and converse with the guest. The Sweet Spot meets on the third Wednesday of every month at 1:00PM ET. You must register to attend.
As we are The Caregiver's Bakery, our guests bring a recipe for a baked good or other food item that is easy to put together and will bring you, the caregiver, a much-needed respite in your day as you prepare, and then eat and enjoy, the fruits of your labor.
And, as a community, we enjoy sharing information and reading your posts on our Facebook page.
Inside information for you: share your email with us and we will send you each weeks' recipe in advance. You'll be able to join us at our "tasting party" at the end of every podcast.