Alz You Need

I remember it well, my senior year in High School and the anticipation of graduating and heading off to college.  Graduating from High School and moving on to College represents a number of life shifting moments, but what is prevalent in our thoughts are one makes this transition, is this new found “freedom” as move on to the next chapter in our lives.

Then, a life changing event happens and suddenly, your thrust into a role of a caregiver and end up taking on important responsibilities for a parent that was in no way on the radar.

Alz You Need

On this episode of Healing Ties, we visit with Leda Rosenthal, Founder and CEO of Alz You Need. Leda is a 22-year-old caregiver and entrepreneur dedicated to making life-enhancing technologies accessible to caregivers and their loved ones. Leda became passionate about innovative caregiving methods when her mother was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease during her first year at Colgate University.  As the Founder & CEO of Alz You Need, Leda has both built and used dementia assistive technology, now it is her mission to share it with others.

But there is more to the story!

Early on in the podcast you will learn that Leda was in her first year of college only to learn as a 19 year-old first-year student at Colgate University, that her mother has been diagnosed with early stage Alzheimer’s

As the conversation continues, you’ll hear of Leda’s passion, not only in the care for her mom,  but her willingness to make caregiving just a tad bit easier for every caregiver.

Alz You Need Winner of the 2018 Caregiver Accelerator Pitch Competition! Leda Rosenthal (far right) with Jacqueline Baker AARP, Renee King Founder of TechUrElders, Nigel Smith AARP, Andy Miller, AARP

Throughout the podcast you’ll hear Leda all the important components that made Alz You Need the winner of the 2018 AARP Caregiver Accelerator Pitch Competition on St. Petersburg Florida!

Enjoy the following show notes, then listen to the entire podcast with our podcast player below.

Show Notes

Off To College

Leda: my mom was diagnosed with early stage dementia during my first year of college.  As you can imagine that’s something most 19 year olds are not dealing with, so early on sort of digesting that news and understanding of the implications that it would have in my life was really challenging…

Filling A Need

Leda: I’ve seen the power of using the right technology in my own home to prove the quality of life for me and my mum and dad and I just want other families to see it too

“When they’re (caregivers) looking at a technology solutions, we  (Alz You Need) simplified discovery…” Leda Rosenthal

Learning How To Cope

Leda: to talk about the disease openly as a 22 year old, while not super common for someone my age to be dealing with a parent who’s going through something like this,  it is more common than one would think. But a lot of people are sort of unsure how to talk about it or uncomfortable because it’s so so foreign to them, and being able to speak out about it comfortably and talk about it and talk about the experience with dignity has been really powerful for my own coping.

Enjoy the entire podcast and learn how Leda Rosenthal is creating Healing Ties all around us!

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To learn more about Alz You Need, visit them online by clicking here!


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