Approaching The Final Destination

I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love ~ Mother Teresa

With TLO’s recent diagnosis that his cancer has spread to multiple parts of his body,  I have to admit this news, along with intense Caregiving over the past month, has put me in a position where I have hit the wall with LifeChangesblogging. While  I’ve learned over the past two years  that writing about TLO’s bout with esophageal cancer has provided a great deal of comfort for both of us, I now find it interesting that writing about the end stages of our Caregiving journey to be a tad more difficult. 

And that is precisely where we are at in our Caregiving journey, we are at the end-stage.

TLO was admitted to Gold Coast Hospice as an inpatient  on Monday, March 3rd.  We are in a small 8 unit facility under the umbrella of Broward Health. With the mindset that we were going to inpatient care Hospice-1“just for a few days for an evaluation and re-set of his medications;”  we have since learned that God and TLO’s body had other plans.

 The last thing he said to me on Monday night was…”Please go home and get some rest, I will be OK here and we’ll see each other in the morning.”  Reluctantly I agreed with him and headed home.  Now knowing that this is going to be our  last lucid conversation we have on this journey is fitting, for in  his time of strife, his  concern and love for me was first and foremost in his mind. We tend to share that similar trait when caring for each other.

TLO has been resting comfortably in our hospice suite since Tuesday; in and out of consciousness, his little body is ravished by cancer.   “We don’t know how this man has lived so long with the amount of cancer that is 1385583_607513719290066_905165614_n (1)inside of him,” the hospice doctor said to me Friday. “It is only by the grace of God and the love that the two of you have that has kept this man alive.” The Doctor’s words are comforting because it has taken me a few days to get beyond the quick transition from our Monday evening conversation, to finding him resting peacefully since my arrival on Tuesday morning. I suspect that he needed that time alone on Monday night moving into Tuesday morning, so that he could rest and prepare for his journey.   

TLO_Sis Feb 13

TLO with my sister Sissy, Feb 11, 2014

While in the midst of Caregiving, we often lose sight of what is transpiring right in front of us because we are so intent on service and care. Trips for radiation become routine because that is something that is just a part of our day?  With one of my sisters here helping us for the past month, I’ve come to realize that what I might think is a routine day, is totally off the charts by normal standards. I’m sure most family caregivers can get in touch with that. 

“If you could look inside his body you would understand what is going on inside of him” was another comment the hospice doctor said to me on Friday.  This ‘trip’ has been hard for me to accept because I am so used to him just getting up and continuing on.  He is such a fighter! Yet this ‘trip ‘ is just a little bit different because he has acknowledged that he is tried, he has acknowledged that he is ready and from our previous conversations,  he knows that I am going to be safe.  So in just a few short hours, I have had to learn how to separate my emotions from the reality that we face; TLO was able to do that after I left on Monday night. In fact, he had prepared for this day longer than I have ever realized.

The Mad Hatters

Chris and TLO at SunServe’s Hat and Garden Party 2013

I have had to put into perspective that this journey just did not start on Monday of this week, this journey started over three years ago in a little Greek restaurant in Indianapolis when there was the first indication that something might be wrong with his throat.  Through all the tests and tribulations of the last three years, not to mention the original diagnosis of 3 to 4 months to live in 2011, I’d say we have had a pretty darn good run at it.  Up until recently, we have had more good days and bad, and along the way on this journey, we have met so many wonderful friends from around the world who simply ask…”How’s TLO”.  The Caregiving community is so vast, so strong and so very comforting;  Where would we have been without you!

TLO is just mighty fine my friends!  He is resting peacefully, and we have been able to communicate through touch and some words.  He now gets to run the show and call the shots. Actually, he’s been doing that for quite some time, I’ve just been here proud to be along for the ride.  Right now I just want to be his partner, holding him close, caressing and kissing him while telling him that I love him with an everlasting love.  His squeeze of my hand gives me strength and helps take my sadness away.

You seeCancer is not winning here.  Love is winning here.

The Bow Tie Guys


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  1. Regina Rosenthal on March 8, 2014 at 10:51 am

    Dearest Chris and TLO….you both have touched the hearts and souls of so many who travel life’s journey and share the experience of caregiving. Tears flowed as I read your blog today….tears with so many emotions mixed in. I choose to call them “coming home” tears, for when love wins we all come home to our hearts and our soul journeys here on earth. And I remembered what one of my clients said many years ago as tears flowed their eyes during a session…”my tears are like rain, they water my soul and enable it to grow.” May the promises of Spring and rebirth be with both of you courageous souls….sending much love and LIGHT….you are in my thoughts and prayers.
    Namaste, Gina

  2. Linda Brendle on March 8, 2014 at 11:39 am

    Chris, there just are no words. Praying for peace and comfort for all of you.

  3. sportsattitudes on March 8, 2014 at 11:47 am

    Chris…you both are in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. Tonyd60 on March 8, 2014 at 11:50 am


  5. andiiviveros on March 8, 2014 at 11:51 am

    Wishing you both lots of positive energy. Know that we are all rooting for you both! xoxo

  6. […] Approaching The Final Destination.  The attached article focuses on one caregiving journey that is coming to an end.  Chris McClellan’s caregiving journey is coming to a close because his partner, TLO, is approaching his final destination.  Recently, another blogger that I follow, who was the caregiver for her husband, Chuck, came to the end of her caregiving journey because Chuck approached, and reached, his final destination. […]

  7. Janice Hynes on March 8, 2014 at 1:26 pm

    I and so many who are so touched by your writing are standing quietly beside you in our hearts.

  8. Kevin Cherry on March 8, 2014 at 3:50 pm

    God bless you both.

    Sent from my iPad

  9. crabbycancerwife on March 8, 2014 at 4:21 pm

    My heart is with both of you in this difficult time. My prayers are for peaceful strength for both of you.

  10. Elissa Malcohn (@Elissa_Malcohn) on March 8, 2014 at 7:25 pm

    Sending you both much, much love and prayers for comfort. (((Hugs)))

  11. caregivingtloc on March 8, 2014 at 11:30 pm

    My prayers are with both of you. You, to have the strength to get through this and TLO, to continue his journey free of pain. Bless you both.

  12. romie3 on March 9, 2014 at 8:02 am

    Chris, you and TLO are amazing. Sending love to both of you.

  13. Kris on March 9, 2014 at 8:26 pm

    What a blessing you have been for each other. I am sending much love and prayers your way….

  14. Kate Warnock (@mkatewarnock) on March 10, 2014 at 8:58 am

    Chris, your love, compassion and humanity towards TLO will remain with me always. You’re both in my prayers.

  15. […] ← Approaching The Final Destination March 17, 2014 · 4:47 pm ↓ Jump to Comments […]

  16. Vicki on April 3, 2014 at 5:03 pm

    Peace be with you as you adjust to this new phase of life.

  17. […] Approaching The Final Destination […]