Everlasting Love: TLO Is At Rest And At Peace

Love is the beauty of the soul ~ Saint Augustine

Bernard Richard Schiffer January 24, 1931 ~ March 9, 2014

Sophia Looking Gay

LilyThe house is quiet; so different, so empty. The beautiful aroma of the stargazer lilies fills the house as one by one, they bloom in their mystical way. Just as the lilies transition from a small bud to a beautiful flower; TLO’s transition into eternal life was just as mystical, and just as beautiful.  Holding him in my arms as he took his last breath on Sunday, March 9th at 1:20 pm was surely a  paradoxical honor, however we would not have had it any other way.

Our Caregiving journey ended on Sunday, March 9, yet this is not the end ofSchiffer blend our love, we just get the chance to know and love each other in a different way.  Words can’t describe how I feel at this moment, but I take comfort in knowing that he is pain-free and he left this world with a beautiful smile on his face.  When I placed his head back down on the pillow after his last breath, I knew that he was in a better place;  no stress, no strife, no agony, only peace.  I’m sure my faith will grant me those same gifts in the months ahead.

We have been on this Caregiving journey for over two years now, yet it seems like yesterday when I wrote my first post on ‘The Purple Jacket.”   Writing proved to be therapeutic for both of us, however, it is strange to realize  that the only two posts that we will never get to share with each other is this post and the post from last week, Approaching The Final Destination.  I do take comfort in knowing that TLO enjoyed reading about our Caregiving journey as much as I enjoyed writing about it.

The comfort and love I have felt from family and friends over the past week has been heartfelt.  May it continue. While on this Caregiving journey, so many people have touched our lives along they way.  I am so grateful for all   your words of encouragement. Denise Brown from Caregiving.com and her vast network of Caregivers who have been our extended family during our journey, are friends for life.  Even in the midst of the intensity of daily Caregiving, Denise and our extended family have been there at a moment’s notice to extend comfort.  Word’s can’t describe how wonderful TLO’s primary care physician, Dr. Milica Starcevic of Broward Health, has been to us during our time in her care.   Dr. Starcevic’s genuine care and concern for us will always have a special place in my heart.  It goes without saying how wonderful the entire staff at Gold Coast Hospice treated us as well.  The word that comes directly to mind when thinking about the staff at Gold Coast Hospice is ‘authentic.’  There was not one staff member who walked into our room who was not authentic in their care for both of us.  Like ministry, working in Hospice is a special calling, not everyone can do it, but the staff that we met from the administrator down, was just splendid.  We never had a worry or concern, the entire Hospice staff honored us and our relationship.

For me, life does move on, just in a different way.  As much as the two of us talked about ‘this day,’ one can never prepare for an experience like this.  He is forever in my heart, sealed with that lasting smile he left for20120407-001829.jpg me when he made his transition.  One thing that TLO asked, well…demanded…is that I start to take better care of myself.  That is my immediate intention, to create some  ‘healing ties’ so that I can become  stronger mentally and to get physically fit because on Monday, March 10th I haven’t only started a new chapter in my life, I started a new Caregiving journey as well.  That new journey is to be a Caregiver for myself.   Many caregivers have this trait where we put our needs second to the needs of our Caree.  It is easy to say we are going to take better care of ourselves, but harder to do when you’re in the midst of Caregiving.  My advocacy in the days, months and years ahead will focus on the importance of Caregivers taking better care of themselves because it is important not only for the Caregiver, but important for the Caree as well.  If I can learn to be half the caregiver to myself as I was to TLO, I think I’ll be in pretty good shape.  Following this path allows me to be with him while honoring his wishes for me to take better care of myself:  It’s a ‘win/win’ don’t you think?

As I write this on ‘The Purple Jacket”, I do not have any fancy words to share or meaningful slogans to portray, I just want to tell you about a story of love.  Two people connecting from different sides of the religious aisle, making a go at life, while forming a meaningful relationship that even to this day,  is difficult to describe.  TLO might have been slight in stature, but he stood tall in life.  With few regrets and quite a bit of joy, TLO lived his life his way. I have learned so much about being strong from him. He was and still is my best friend, pal and partner. My Caregiving cape wanted to fix everything inside of his body; eleven years just whisked by within one week in hospice with me asking that final day…”Lord, can’t I have just one more hour, one more minute to know him..to love him?”   As I gently laid his head back on the pillow after he made his transition, I was comforted to see a smile on his face.  I knew he was pain TLOCJMfree and I knew that he left this world in love and yes, he did beat Cancer!

In the weeks ahead, there will be a few announcements on ‘The Purple Jacket’ about special events that are in the works to celebrate the life of Bernard Richard Schiffer.  Our Caregiving journey has been documented over the past seven months with reporters from the South Florida Sun-Sentinel; filled with video and pictures of the two of us,  we look forward to sharing that article with you when published is just a few short weeks.   I will be writing again in the months ahead, but this space here on ‘The Purple Jacket’ is reserved for my best friend, pal and life partner, Bernard Richard Schiffer for without him, there would be no ‘Purple Jacket!’

But for now,  I must take a breath and get some rest.

   You seeWe Might Have Had Cancer: But Cancer NEVER had us.  The thing we have is Love and come to think about it, Love is the most important gift of all!

heart cloud



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  1. Jan on March 17, 2014 at 5:05 pm

    I have been thinking so much about you. This was a beautiful read.

  2. boomer98053 on March 17, 2014 at 5:33 pm

    Your last caregiving article is an exceptional statement about the love that existed on your caregiving. Now freedom is Bernard’s portion, and you will now plan the next part of your journey wherein you help the many loving caregivers out there who need to understand that taking care of themselves is just as important as taking care of their loved one – starting with yourself.

    Bless you and all the people who participated on your journey.

  3. Harriet on March 17, 2014 at 6:21 pm

    I want you to know how happy I am that my cousin had you in his life. I am grateful that you found each other. I look forward to speaking again with you.
    Soon. ..

  4. de and stel on March 17, 2014 at 6:47 pm

    Amazing love story…………That’s what you should teach people…..how to love one another like you loved TLO……………I feel like I know you both.

  5. Tom duffy on March 17, 2014 at 7:29 pm

    Chris..what a beautiful message….my thoughts and prayers are with you….but…TLO already has that covered….he will be your angle ….love to you… Tommy

  6. sportsattitudes on March 17, 2014 at 9:53 pm


  7. Kenneth C. Wong on March 18, 2014 at 11:59 am

    This was beautiful, Chris!

    Sent from Kenneth’s iPhone


  8. caregivingtloc on March 19, 2014 at 12:35 am

    I can’t begin to understand how difficult the past few weeks were for you. You have some good memories of your love that will move you forward from here. My thoughts are with you.

  9. Jeffrey Kohn on March 19, 2014 at 8:53 am

    Chris, I am so so sorry to hear about your loss!!! What a beautiful and wonderfully written piece you’ve done and as someone who didn’t know him or you away from work, I can feel the love you had and shared!!

    Please accept my condolences and if I can do anythingh, you can certainly call me for help!

    Continued luck and best wishes moving forward and solice knowing that the journey for you both is not over, just put on hold.


  10. Regina on March 19, 2014 at 8:59 am

    What a truly beautiful post that honored the exceptional life and love you and TLO shared. Love never dies and continues to grow in our hearts, especially in the sacred moments when we heal through self-care. It is in these moments that we meet again and embrace each other’s hearts. Sending lots of love, LIGHT, and blessings your way. I know TLO is watching over you and standing oh so close. I look forward to meeting again and hope Seva serves you and brings sacred moments and healing at this time. Namaste…….

  11. crabbycancerwife on March 19, 2014 at 11:33 pm

    May his memory always be for a blessing. Thank you for sharing your journey with us. Know that there are so many people who only know you and your TLO through the internet, but have been touched by your lives.

  12. Tonyd60 on March 21, 2014 at 9:22 am

    I enjoyed all your care giving emails. Richard was so young. I was there for Bill also. It is an experience that will never be forgotten. Life goes on. Tony

  13. […] Everlasting Love: TLO Is At Rest And At Peace […]

  14. […] Everlasting Love: TLO Is At Rest And At Peace […]

  15. In Sickness and In Health: Saying Goodbye on November 16, 2014 at 1:18 pm

    […] Everlasting Love: TLO Is At Rest And At Peace […]