My Dad Got Sick

As a full-time photographer from Canada, Jay Perry has traveled the country and beyond to capture the moments and memories that matter. Then Jay’s father was diagnosed with Cancer and in 2013, Jay decided to pretty much give up my life to take care of his Dad full time.

My Dad Got Sick

Jay believes his time with his Dad was “way more valuable than money. I decided to give up my life to take care of my dad full time. Took him to all his appointments, scheduled and monitored his medicines, massively researched different methods to fight his illness, but most off all, spent time with him.”

But there is much more to the story!

Early on in the conversation, you’ll hear about the cancer diagnosis and the impact that this diagnosis had on the entire family. You’ll learn about Jay’s passion and unconditional love for his father and his willingness to go “all-in” with his care.  Towards the end of the podcast you’ll hear Jay’s most profound statement: “You can always make more money, but you can’t go back and make more memories.”  Finally, you’ll want to learn about Jay’s Friends of Hearts program!

Enjoy the following show notes, then listen to the entire podcast with our podcast player below.

Show Notes:

The Diagnosis:

Jay: I had never really dealt with cancer this close. So to me, Stage 4 was still OK. Well it’s serious. But, we’re going to beat it because that’s that’s my mentality. We’re going to beat it because that’s our mentality!

Finding An Outlet:

Jay: Writing the book was therapeutic for myself. Another reason why I want to write the book is I feel like this now takes my dad from just another cancer statistic to hopefully the humor in someone’s life and that his fight was worth it – and allows my hero to keep on being my hero.

Embrace Your Role:

Jay: Embrace it head on because if you don’t, you’ll regret it 100 percent – you’ll regret it. And don’t go in with the mentality that I had, that I’m going to be my dad’s doctor and I’m going to fix him. You know, I had no idea about cancer – need to leave that up to the specialists. But what I can do, is give my dad my time and there is nothing more that he wanted, was time with his kids, his grand kids, and nieces and nephews.

Profile In Courage:

Jay: So everybody has the ability to offer their time to someone in need. And I think the time is so much more valuable than money. You can always go make makes more money – you can’t go back and make more memories.

Giving Back:

Jay: In 2011, I went on a mission trip to Haiti. A few months later, I found a photo of myself at Christmas holding a toy that my parents bought me. We started an organization called Friends With Hearts that helps… as we say we believe in magic.  (You will just have to listen to the podcast to hear the entire story!)

You can always go make more money – you can’t go back and make more memories. (Jay Perry)

Listen here for the rest of  Jay’s story and learn how he is creating Healing Ties all around us.

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